Splash Bundle for Sylius E-Commerce Solution
Splash Sync Bundle for Sylius E-Commerce
Splash Bundle for Sylius E-Commerce Solution
This module implement Splash Sync connector for Sylius, the E-Commerce Solution for Symfony Framework. It provides access to multiples Objects for automated synchronization through Splash Sync dedicated protocol.
Installation via Composer
Download Sylius-Bundle and its dependencies to the vendor directory. You can use Composer for the automated process:
$ php composer.phar require splash/sylius-splash-plugin
Composer will install the bundle to vendor/splash
Adding bundle to your application kernel
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new \Splash\Bundle\SplashBundle(), // Splash Sync Core PHP Bundle
new \Splash\SyliusSplashPlugin\SplashSyliusSplashPlugin(), // Splash Bundle for Sylius
// ...
Configure Splash Bundles
Here is the default configuration for Splash bundles:
id: ThisIsSyliusWsId ## Your Splash Server ID
key: ThisIsSyliusWsEncryptionKey ## Your Server Secret Encryption Key
default_channel: FASHION_WEB ## Select here your shop default channel
- PHP 7.4+
- Sylius 1.6+
- An active Splash Sync User Account
For the configuration guide and reference, see: Sylius Bundle Docs
Any Pull requests are welcome!
This module is part of SplashSync project.